How to Send a Cold Email Without Blocking [AI Strategies]

how to send a cold email
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About 80% of marketers have said that email engagement has risen over the past twelve months; this trend can be partially ascribed to the careful usage of artificial intelligence in email campaign optimization. Artificial intelligence tools enable information to be tailored, timing deliveries to be precisely matched, and segment audiences to be achieved at scale unlike human efforts alone. This figure emphasizes how increasingly important artificial intelligence is for not just reaching inboxes but also for efficiently involving recipients.

In the cutthroat field of email marketing, the difference between a cold email that converts and one that gets blocked usually boils down to creativity and respect of best practices. Here artificial intelligence (AI) becomes a game-changing agent. Using artificial intelligence can help marketers greatly improve their cold emailing techniques by creating messages not only tailored but also quite interesting and, most crucially, complying with ever strict rules.

We explore in this paper the innovative ways artificial intelligence is changing the field of cold emailing. AI tools are turning cold emails from just shots in the dark into strategic, data-driven communications from negotiating the complexity of spam filters to refining content for maximum interaction. 

Understanding Email Blocks and Suspensions

Although email is a great tool for reaching new audiences, it carries certain hazards, especially in cold emailing. Email accounts are restricted or stopped for the following reasons, together with typical avoidable mistakes:

Why do email accounts get blocked or suspended?

Sending cold emails sometimes results in a bad reaction from email providers. Account blocks or suspensions generally result from the sender’s belief that she might be sending spam. If an account sends emails that routinely wind up in spam folders or are tagged as unwelcome by recipients, its reputation might swiftly sour.

Common Triggers for Spam Filters

  1. High Volumes. Sending large quantities of emails at once can be a red flag for spam filters. Sudden spikes in activity suggest spam-like behavior, which can prompt email providers to block the sender.
  2. Frequent Sending. If you send emails too frequently, especially to the same recipients who do not engage, this can also trigger spam filters. Continuous emailing without recipient interaction or positive engagement is often seen as intrusive and spammy.
  3. Content Issues. Emails that contain certain trigger words or phrases, overly promotional content, or lack personalization are more likely to be filtered out as spam. Additionally, poor formatting, including the overuse of links or images relative to text, can also increase the chances of being marked as spam. Impact of Email Providers’ Policies on Cold Emailing

Impact of Email Providers’ Policies on Cold Emailing

Email companies including Gmail, Yahoo, and others have rigorous rules meant to guard their customers against unwanted messages. These rules are changed often to match fresh spamming methods. They include systems to assess the sender’s reputation, examine the material for recognized spam traits, and monitor email recipient behavior—that is, opening, deleting, or flagging as spam. Ignoring these always changing guidelines could result in emails being blocked or worse, suspension of the sender’s account.

Leveraging AI to Enhance Cold Emailing

By transforming cold emailing into a precision tool greatly increasing engagement and lowering the danger of emails being labeled as spam, artificial intelligence (AI) is changing cold emailing. AI is changing email marketing strategies as follows:

Natural Language Processing (NLP), which helps create human-like text; Machine Learning (ML), which analyzes patterns from past campaigns to maximize future ones; and Predictive Analytics, which forecasts the best times to send emails and predicts which content will engage various audience segments, are among the suite of technologies that AI comprises.

AI shines at customizing material on an unheard-of level. It uses recipient data to customize emails especially to fit past interactions, personal preferences, and purchase patterns. AI also adjusts the tone, style, and even the text itself to avoid spam triggers and improve readability, therefore ensuring that it appeals to all parts of an audience.

Through real-time monitoring and testing, artificial intelligence’s powers include optimizing subject lines such that only the most successful ones are applied. By dynamically including the most appealing links or items for every recipient, it also increases content relevancy. Most importantly, artificial intelligence uses past data to identify when each receiver is most likely to interact with the information, thereby deciding the best moment to send emails to each one.

Review of AI-Enabled Platforms for Cold Emailing



At the heart of AnyBiz is its AI-driven sales agent, a revolutionary feature that automates the entire process of finding and engaging potential business clients. This agent acts much like a highly skilled SDR but operates continuously and with the precision only AI can offer. It scans for signals indicating a company’s readiness to purchase, identifies key decision-makers, and initiates contact with personalized messages.

Key Features of AI Sales Agents:

AI sales agents

  • Multi-Channel Outreach: These agents craft unique outreach sequences that intelligently decide the best channels—be it email, LinkedIn, or Twitter—to engage each prospect.
  • 24/7 Operation. The AI operates round-the-clock, aligning communication with prospects’ time zones and ensuring no opportunities are missed due to time delays.
  • Smart Decision-Making. With the capability to analyze over 10,000 data points per hour, the AI continually refines its approach, focusing on strategies that maximize engagement and move prospects through the sales funnel.

Personalization at Its Core

AnyBiz excels in personalizing communication, which is crucial for successful cold emailing. Each message is tailored not just to the role or industry of the recipient but also to their recent business activities and demonstrated needs.

Personalization Tactics:
  • Automated Email Tailoring. The AI customizes emails based on deep learning insights, ensuring that every communication is relevant and engaging.
  • Customized Landing Pages. Prospects receive personalized landing pages that feature their name and company details, making the call to action clear and appealing.

Enhancing Engagement and Compliance

AnyBiz’s AI technology is designed to navigate the complex landscape of email deliverability and compliance effortlessly.

Compliance and Engagement Features:
  • Email Domain Warming. The platform includes an automated system to warm up email domains, gradually increasing sending volumes to enhance deliverability and prevent the domain from being flagged as spam.
  • Automated Compliance Checks. Ensures all emails adhere strictly to global email regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues and enhancing trust.

Seamless Integration and Real-Time Analytics

Integration with existing CRM systems like HubSpot and real-time analytics are part of AnyBiz’s comprehensive approach. The platform provides detailed insights into each campaign’s performance, allowing businesses to make data-driven decisions quickly.

Integration and Analytics Features:
  • CRM Integration. Streamlines workflow by syncing with existing customer relationship management systems, providing a unified view of all prospect interactions.
  • Detailed Metrics Dashboard. Tracks crucial metrics such as engagement rates, opportunity creation, and brand awareness, offering a clear picture of ROI and the effectiveness of various strategies.

Automated Processes for Efficiency

From scheduling meetings via a Calendly connector to classifying and responding to client emails, AnyBiz reduces the manual effort involved in lead generation and management.

Efficiency Features:
  • Automated Meeting Scheduling. Reduces the administrative burden by handling all aspects of scheduling, freeing up users to focus on higher-value activities.
  • Email Response Management. Classifies incoming emails and can autonomously respond, maintaining consistent and personalized communication with prospects.

AnyBiz not only promises but delivers a transformation in B2B lead generation through AI-driven automation and personalization. By replacing traditional SDR roles with sophisticated AI agents, AnyBiz enables businesses to scale their outreach efforts efficiently, focus on high-quality leads, and accelerate their growth trajectory.  Sign up for AnyBiz’s 7-day free trial today and experience firsthand how our AI-driven platform can transform your cold emailing and client engagement strategies. 

2. MailGenius

MailGenius serves as a proactive tool for ensuring email deliverability. Its primary function is to conduct pre-send spam tests that identify potential triggers that could land emails in spam folders. By providing detailed feedback and actionable insights, MailGenius helps marketers refine their emails to enhance open rates and engagement. This platform also excels in layout optimization, recommending design changes that improve readability across different devices, thus boosting the overall effectiveness of email campaigns.

Features and Advantages:

  • Spam Testing Tool. Pre-tests emails against common spam filters, providing scores and actionable feedback to improve deliverability.
  • Layout Optimization. Uses AI to recommend design and layout changes that improve readability and engagement on various devices.
  • Behavioral Targeting. Targets emails based on user activity, ensuring high relevance and engagement.

3. SendSmart

SendSmart integrates advanced AI to revolutionize email marketing strategies through dynamic segmentation and engagement prediction. The platform’s AI-driven segmentation automatically categorizes email lists based on real-time recipient data, ensuring messages are precisely targeted. Additionally, SendSmart’s engagement prediction models forecast user interactions, allowing marketers to adjust their campaigns for optimal results. Its content personalization engine further tailors email content, significantly increasing the relevance and appeal of each message sent.

Features and Advantages:

  • AI-Driven Segmentation. Dynamically segments email lists based on evolving recipient data, ensuring messages are highly targeted.
  • Engagement Prediction. AI models predict the likelihood of user engagement, allowing marketers to tweak campaigns for maximum effectiveness.
  • Content Personalization. Generates personalized content suggestions to resonate more deeply with each segment.

4. BrightMailer

BrightMailer offers a robust suite of AI features focused on real-time analytics and interactive email elements. Its real-time analytics provide immediate insights into campaign performance, enabling marketers to make quick adjustments to their strategies. BrightMailer also helps in creating emails with interactive elements such as polls or quizzes, which engage users more deeply without risking spam flags. The platform’s smart scheduling feature uses AI to determine the best time to send emails, enhancing the chances of high recipient engagement. With BrightMailer, marketers can expect a seamless email campaign that resonates well with their audience while maintaining high deliverability.

Features and Advantages:

  • Real-Time Analytics. Provides real-time insights into campaign performance, powered by AI to adjust strategies promptly.
  • Smart Scheduling. AI determines the best sending schedule based on global recipient data trends.
  • Interactive Email Elements. AI helps create emails with interactive elements that increase user engagement without triggering spam filters.

5. InboxAI

InboxAI is a sophisticated AI-powered email marketing platform designed to enhance the effectiveness of communication strategies through deep learning and natural language processing (NLP). The platform stands out for its ability to fine-tune email content, ensuring it resonates with recipients while avoiding spam-trigger keywords, which greatly improves deliverability.

Features and Advantages:

  • Natural Language Processing. Enhances email copy to be more conversational and engaging, while avoiding spam-trigger keywords.
  • Predictive Unsubscribe Technology. Predicts which users are likely to unsubscribe and adjusts email frequency or content accordingly.
  • Automated Compliance Checks. Ensures all emails adhere to international standards and regulations, reducing legal risks.

Legal Considerations in Cold Emailing

Any company trying to save major fines and maintain its reputation must learn to negotiate the laws of cold emailing. Laws include the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU and the CAN-SPAM Act in the US control cold emailing by imposing rigorous rules on permission, openness, and recipient rights. Following these rules is absolutely important since it not only protects companies from legal difficulties but also helps customers to trust them.

By automating chores include adding unsubscribed links, keeping consent logs, and precisely labeling emails, artificial intelligence (AI) is absolutely vital in guaranteeing compliance. This enables companies to easily and at scale follow legal criteria. Moreover, artificial intelligence improves ethical emailing by customizing messages depending on recipient preferences and actions, therefore guaranteeing relevance and respect of privacy.

Challenges of Cold Emailing

Cold emailing is a potent outreach tool for businesses, but it faces several challenges that can diminish its effectiveness and compliance:

  1. Spam Filters. Emails that contain trigger words or are sent in bulk without warming up the email domain are prone to being marked as spam.
  2. Lack of Personalization. Not customizing emails to the recipient’s interests and needs can lead to low engagement rates.
  3. Sending Identical Emails. Mass mailing the same content to different recipients often results in low response rates and increases the likelihood of being flagged as spam.
  4. Use of Spam Words. Including words commonly associated with spam can trigger email filters, causing messages to land in the spam folder.
  5. Non-compliance with Unsubscribe Requirements. Failing to include an easy option for recipients to unsubscribe can breach regulations like the CAN-SPAM Act.
  6. Improper Timing. Sending emails at the wrong time or day can result in lower open rates and engagement.
  7. Failure to Follow Up Appropriately. Not adhering to best practices in follow-up email sequences can annoy recipients and reduce the effectiveness of the campaign.
  8. Legal and Compliance Risks. Ignoring compliance with email marketing laws such as GDPR and CAN-SPAM can lead to severe penalties and reputational damage.
  9. Sender Reputation. Poor management of sender reputation can lead to emails being blocked by service providers, affecting current and future email deliverability.
  10. Overcoming Skepticism. Building trust through unsolicited emails is challenging, as recipients are typically wary of such communications.
  11. Resource Intensive. Developing and managing an effective cold email campaign requires significant effort and resources, which can detract from other business priorities.

Related – Cold Email Success: Best Time to Send Cold Emails [AI Insights]

Domain and Email Warming: An Essential First Step in Cold Emailing

No cold email campaign should start without first warming up the domain and email address. This process is essential to ensure that emails reach recipients’ inboxes instead of spam folders. Domain warming involves gradually increasing the volume of emails sent from a new domain or email address to build a trustworthy sender reputation with email service providers. This gradual increase helps to avoid triggering spam filters that can flag sudden spikes in email activity as suspicious.

Notably, platforms like AnyBiz streamline this process by integrating domain warming as a built-in feature. AnyBiz takes the initiative by purchasing domains and methodically building their reputations. This proactive approach ensures that when businesses start sending cold emails, they are sent from a domain that is already recognized as trustworthy, greatly reducing the likelihood that these emails will be marked as spam. By handling the domain warming process, AnyBiz allows companies to focus on crafting effective content and strategies, knowing that their foundational email infrastructure is solid and reliable.

Implementing AI Strategies in Your Cold Email Campaigns with AnyBiz

Anybiz dashboard

Integrating AI into your cold email campaigns can significantly enhance your outreach effectiveness and efficiency. Using AnyBiz as an example, here’s a step-by-step guide to implementing AI tools into your cold emailing practices:

Step 1: Follow the Link

Begin by visiting the AnyBiz website and navigating to the signup page. This is your entry point into leveraging AI for your cold emailing needs.

Step 2: Enter LinkedIn Account Data

Once signed up, input your LinkedIn account details. AnyBiz’s AI system automatically extracts necessary data about your business from your LinkedIn profile, including your website, business activities, the problems your company solves, and its unique differentiators. This information helps tailor your email campaigns to reflect your business accurately.

Step 3: Select Your Target Audience

Define who your ideal customers are.  This step ensures that the AI tools focus your email campaigns on leads that are most likely to convert.

Step 4: Connect Your Calendar (Optional)


Optionally, you can connect your personal or business calendar to AnyBiz. This integration allows the AI to schedule calls and meetings directly with potential clients without overbooking or conflicts, streamlining the process of engaging with leads.

Step 5: Click Start

With your preferences set, click ‘start’ to initiate the campaign. AnyBiz then takes over the heavy lifting:

  • Domain Purchase: AnyBiz buys a domain for your campaign.
  • Mailbox Setup: Sets up mailboxes associated with the new domain.
  • Domain Warming: Begins the process of warming up your new domain and mailboxes to ensure your emails avoid spam filters.
  • Target Identification: AI determines the most suitable recipients for your cold emails based on your selected target audience.

Step 6: AI Sales Agent Takes Over

After setup, the AI sales agent conducts various tasks:

  • Email Correspondence. Manages and responds to incoming emails efficiently, keeping the conversation flowing.
  • LinkedIn Activity. Makes strategic posts and interactions on LinkedIn to engage further and attract potential clients.
  • Booking Calls. Uses the connected calendar to book calls or meetings with potential clients, ensuring that every interaction is logged and no opportunities are missed.

Final Step: Attend Meetings

With all the preparatory and ongoing tasks handled by AnyBiz, your primary role is to attend the scheduled meetings with potential clients. This system allows you to focus on closing deals and building relationships rather than the minutiae of campaign management.

By following these steps, you can effectively integrate AI into your cold emailing strategy, reducing the workload on your team while increasing the effectiveness and precision of your outreach efforts. AnyBiz’s AI-driven platform ensures that from the campaign’s setup to the execution, every aspect is optimized for maximum engagement and conversion.


We have looked at how artificial intelligence is transforming cold emailing techniques over this conversation. From knowing the hazards connected with email blocks and suspensions to using cutting-edge AI systems like AnyBiz, it is abundantly evident that AI technology provides major benefits in improving email deliverability and interaction. Important issues are the need of domain warming, the part artificial intelligence plays in creating unique and interesting email content, and the usage of AI-driven systems to oversee and maximize cold email campaigns.

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To write an effective cold email, research your potential client thoroughly and tailor your message to address their specific needs and pain points. Personalize the email with their name and company details to make it more engaging.

A cold email template should have a compelling email subject line, a concise and relevant message, a clear call to action, and a professional email signature at the end. Customize the template for each recipient to improve response rates.

The best time to send a cold email is typically during weekdays, either early in the morning or late in the afternoon. Avoid sending cold emails during weekends or holidays for better results.

To enhance email deliverability, make sure your email content is relevant and engaging, avoid using spammy language or excessive links, and regularly clean your email list to remove inactive or invalid addresses.

Personalization is crucial in cold email outreach campaign as it helps to build a connection with the recipient, increases the chances of engagement, and demonstrates that you have done your research and are genuinely interested in their business.

When following up on a cold email, be polite and professional, remind the recipient of your previous message, provide additional value or information, and suggest a next step or call to action to keep the conversation going.