Cold Email Success: Best Time to Send Cold Emails [AI Insights]

best time to send cold emails
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Have you ever wondered why some cold emails get answers while others disappear into the vacuum of unopened messages? One of the most important tools in a digital marketer’s toolkit, cold emailing depends on timing and context as much as what you say. If done precisely, cold emailing – despite its difficulties – remains a powerful weapon for generating leads and starting contacts with possible customers.

Recent research indicates that emails sent at particular times of the day may see open rates rise by as much as 20%, therefore underscoring the delicate art of timing in email marketing. 

Deeper into the mechanics of cold emailing, we will discuss how smart timing, adherence to legal requirements, and distribution platform choice may increase your outreach efforts and turn your cold email campaigns into a consistent source of business growth channels.

Understanding Cold Emailing

Cold emailing is a direct marketing tactic whereby emails are sent to possible clients who have not before come across the sender. Cold emailing is mostly used to introduce these people to your goods or services in an attempt to generate commercial relationships or interest.

The relationship with the recipient distinguishes cold emails from other kinds of email marketing most importantly. Cold emails are sent to people who might not even be aware of the sender’s existence before the email, while most email marketing efforts target users who have opted in or demonstrated past interest in the offerings of the company – like newsletter subscribers or past customers. This basic distinction affects the approach of the strategy: cold emails must be more carefully designed to rapidly create trust and demonstrate value, usually requiring more tailored and precisely researched content to assure relevancy and compliance with spam rules. This makes cold emailing a special difficulty inside the larger field of email marketing.

Volume and Frequency of Sending

Maximizing engagement and minimizing the negative effects of spamming depend on knowing the best volume and frequency of sending cold emails. Finding the proper mix can help your cold email campaigns be more successful and help to protect your sender reputation.

Optimal Number of Cold Emails Per Day

Several elements affect the recommended amount of cold emails you should send each day: audience size, type of campaign you run, and industry norms. Generally speaking, though, you start with a modest volume and change depending on the response and interaction rates you find. Sending 20–50 emails every day is usually successful for small to medium-sized companies. This lets you keep a personal touch and more effectively handle follow-up. Emphasizing quality above quantity will help to guarantee that every email is carefully written and aimed at the correct recipient.

Large companies, however, might scale up their operations significantly, sending upwards of 2000 emails per day when necessary. Such volumes require meticulous planning and the implementation of advanced strategies to maintain email deliverability and reputation. Before embarking on high-volume cold emailing, it is crucial to have a well-warmed email system using tools like, consider the age of the domain, and ensure a solid sender reputation. Properly warming up your email ensures that your increased activity does not trigger spam filters, maintaining the effectiveness of your outreach efforts. 

Impact of Frequency on Response Rates and Sender Reputation

How receivers view your messages and how email service providers handle your emails depends in great part on the frequency of your cold emails. Too frequent sending might irritate recipients, resulting in increased unsubscribed rates and spam complaints that might harm your sender profile. On the other hand, few emails could cause receivers to overlook your brand, so lessening the impact of your campaign.

Usually, you should space out your emails to give recipients time to reply to your first contact before sending a follow-up. Should you not get a reply, a follow-up email usually advised one week following the first. Tracking the response rates at different frequencies will give you important information and enable you to modify your plan.

Still, constant testing and analysis should guide both frequency and volume. Monitoring how various techniques impact your open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates can help you to always improve your cold emailing technique and guarantee that it stays polite and successful.

Optimal Days and Times for Sending Cold Emails

Maximizing the results of your outreach campaigns depends on selecting the best days and hours to send cold emails. Industry statistics should guide these choices and be modified based on the particular preferences and habits of your target market.

Best Days to Send Cold Emails

Industry statistics repeatedly reveal that sending cold emails best occurs midweek—Tuesday through Thursday. Compared to Mondays, which are generally hectic catch-up days, or Friday, when people are relaxing for the weekend, these days usually produce better open and response rates. Specifically, sending emails on Tuesday mornings will grab the early in the workweek attention of your receivers, who are more likely to be organizing and setting priorities.

Best Times to Send Emails Cold

Although the optimal times of day to send cold emails usually coincide with regular business hours, with careful planning you can find those most receptive. Early mornings, between 8 and 10 AM, are usually good since many people start their day and sort through their inbox. Another critical period is following lunch, between 1 and 2 PM, when workers get back to their workstations and probably check their emails once more.

Still, the particular traits and actions of your target audience will affect these periods. Changing your timing to earlier in the morning or later in the afternoon would be more successful if you are aiming for executives who might start their days earlier or stay later. Knowing your recipients’ time zones is also absolutely vital, particularly if you have an international readership.

A/B testing with several sending schedules will help you find the best days and hours for your particular audience. This lets you track how your audience responds to your emails at various times and modify your plan depending on real performance. 

Choosing the Right Platform for Distribution

Maximizing the potency and efficiency of your email marketing efforts depends on selecting the appropriate platform for cold email distribution. Because of their sharper decision-making ability, strong data analytics, and major time-saving advantages, AI-based products are starting to be the preferred option in the present digital scene. Here is a list of some of the most successful platforms, featuring choices influenced by artificial intelligence:



AnyBiz stands out as a comprehensive, AI-driven platform tailored for B2B lead generation. It automates sales and marketing activities traditionally handled by Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) through its advanced AI sales agents. 

These agents craft personalized, multi-channel outreach sequences, optimize send times based on data analysis, and continuously learn from interactions to improve strategies. Additionally, AnyBiz’s capabilities include automated email warming to prevent spam filtering, integration with CRM systems for seamless workflow, and personalized landing pages for each prospect, making it a robust tool for enhancing engagement and conversion rates. You can easily test all the features of AnyBiz with the 7-days free trial.

Here are the main functions of AnyBiz listed straightforwardly:

  1. AI Sales Agents
  2. Continuous Operation
  3. Smart Decision-Making
  4. Personalization and Multi-Channel Engagement
  5. Automated Email Classification and Response
  6. Dashboard and Metrics
  7. Personalized Landing Pages
  8. Integrations and Calendar Management
  9. IP Recognition
  10. Automated Meeting Scheduling
  11. Email Domain Warming
  12. Email Open Rate Analysis
  13. Brand Awareness Initiatives

2. is another powerful tool that leverages AI to help sales teams automate and streamline their communication processes. It offers sequence automation which includes emails, calls, and task creation based on optimal timing and prospect engagement. This platform is particularly effective for larger teams looking to coordinate multiple sequences and maintain high engagement levels through detailed analytics and performance insights.

3. Mailshake


Mailshake is a user-friendly platform designed for cold email outreach but is versatile enough to handle other forms of outreach like social media and phone. It provides tools for personalization, automation, and A/B testing to optimize open and response rates. Its simple interface is complemented by powerful features like lead catchers and integration with major CRMs, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes looking to boost their cold emailing efforts.

4. HubSpot Sales


Known for its comprehensive CRM capabilities, HubSpot Sales also offers a strong suite of email marketing tools that include highly customizable email templates, scheduling features, and extensive tracking analytics. The platform’s AI elements help predict the best times to send emails and analyze recipient behavior, allowing users to fine-tune their strategies in real-time.

Every one of these systems offers special advantages for cold email campaigns, particularly in terms of AI use to improve efficiency and decision-making. Using these instruments can help companies save time, greatly enhance their outreach initiatives, and raise their whole marketing return on investment. 

The legality of Cold Emailing

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires express permission and open data processing methods in Europe, hence companies have to have a legal justification for sending cold emails and provide recipients clear information on how their data will be handled. The CAN-SPAM Act in the United States, on the other hand, gives more freedom and mandates that emails clearly show the sender’s physical address and allow recipients to opt-off of future correspondence.

Familiarizing yourself with the particular rules relevant in the areas where your recipients are located will help you to guarantee compliance when sending cold emails. Where needed, always get and document permission; keep a current list honoring user choices for unsubscribing. Furthermore present honest and clear information regarding the sender’s identity and the communication’s goal. 

Strategies for Sending Bulk Emails

A crucial strategy is maintaining list hygiene and personalization, even when sending emails at scale. Keeping your email list clean involves regularly updating it to remove inactive subscribers and incorrect email addresses, which helps improve deliverability and engagement rates. 

Personalization in bulk emails, while challenging, can significantly increase the effectiveness of your campaigns. This involves segmenting your email list based on user behavior, interests, or demographic data to tailor the content that resonates best with different groups.

Additionally, employing a tool like AnyBiz can dramatically streamline this process. AnyBiz automates critical aspects of bulk emailing, such as segmentation, personalization, and maintaining list hygiene. By leveraging its AI capabilities, AnyBiz can ensure that each email is crafted to meet the preferences and interests of its recipient, enhancing engagement without the manual effort typically required in such processes. The tool also continuously analyzes interaction data to refine strategies, ensuring that your bulk emails are not only compliant but also effectively tailored to meet the evolving dynamics of your target audience. 

The Nuances of Sending Cold Emails on Weekends

Sending cold emails on weekends carries its own set of challenges and opportunities that differ from weekday campaigns. Understanding these nuances can help marketers tailor their strategies for optimal engagement.

Pros of Sending Cold Emails on Weekends

  1. Reduced Competition. Fewer companies send out emails over the weekend, which means your emails are less likely to be buried under others in recipients’ inboxes. This reduced clutter can lead to higher visibility for your emails.
  2. Increased Open Rates. Some audiences, particularly those in executive roles or industries where weekdays are extremely busy, may be more likely to check their emails during quieter weekend periods. This can result in better engagement rates for some sectors.

Cons of Sending Cold Emails on Weekends

  1. Lower Responsiveness. Many people see weekends as personal time and are less likely to engage with work-related emails. This can lead to lower response rates and potential negative perceptions of your brand for not respecting personal boundaries.
  2. Operational Challenges. If recipients do respond over the weekend, your team might not be working or might be working reduced hours, which could delay follow-up and potentially lose the momentum of initial engagement.

Statistical Insights on Weekend Engagement Rates

Research on email marketing effectiveness shows varying results for weekend sends. For some industries like hospitality or events, weekend emails may perform well because they align with consumers’ leisure planning activities. However, for B2B sectors, engagement rates often drop, as professionals typically disengage from work-related communications. Data from email marketing platforms indicates that while open rates might not significantly decline, the click-through rates and actual engagement metrics like replies or conversions tend to be lower on weekends compared to weekdays.

Given these dynamics, it’s crucial for marketers to analyze their specific audience behaviors and industry trends before deciding to implement weekend email campaigns. Conducting A/B testing on different days can provide actionable insights into how your particular audience interacts with emails, helping to determine whether weekend sends could be advantageous for your campaigns.

Does Timing Really Matter?

The question of whether timing really matters in the success of cold email campaigns is subject to considerable debate. On one hand, selecting the right moment to send an email can enhance the likelihood of it being opened and engaged with, as people are more likely to read emails during specific windows of their day. However, other factors often play a more decisive role in the success of these campaigns.

The quality of the content, the relevance of the message to the recipient, and the personalization of the email can all have a more substantial impact than merely choosing the right time to send. A well-crafted, highly targeted email can achieve good results regardless of timing if it resonates strongly with its recipient. 

Furthermore, the industry standard and audience habits should guide the timing of emails. What works for a B2C audience may not hold true for B2B recipients, who may have different peak times for engagement. Hence, while timing should not be ignored, focusing on creating high-quality, relevant, and personalized content is equally, if not more, important for ensuring the effectiveness of cold email campaigns. Testing different times and monitoring the performance can provide insights unique to your audience, but this should be part of a comprehensive approach that prioritizes content and recipient engagement above all.

Planning Follow-Ups

Any effective cold emailing plan depends critically on careful planning of follow-ups. Often, first cold emails go overlooked or given less importance among hectic schedules. Gentle reminders sent by follow-up emails help recipients to participate who might have missed or disregarded the initial message.

Follow-up emails must be timed and frequently such that they balance respect of the recipient’s mailbox with tenacity. If there has been no reply, the first follow-up should normally be made three to seven days following the original email. Although this window is not so long that your first contact becomes useless, it allows the recipient enough time to have maybe read the first email. If the communication stays one-sided, next follow-ups should keep a similar spacing and progressively stretch the period between emails.

Usually, a three to four follow-up email series is seen to be sufficient. Every follow-up should present something fresh: more data, a different perspective on your idea, or a straight question inviting a response. Avoid merely sending the same message; this will lower the perceived value of your correspondence and raise your chances of being labeled as spam.

Automating the Process with AI

Automating the process of cold emailing with AI and machine learning offers a transformative shift in how campaigns are conducted, providing significant benefits that streamline operations and enhance effectiveness. The use of AI eliminates the need to manually test different sending times, as these systems can rapidly analyze data and determine the optimal moments to contact potential clients. This not only saves valuable time and energy but also increases the likelihood of your emails being opened and engaged with, thanks to AI’s ability to make precise adjustments in real-time. exemplifies the best use of AI in automating cold email campaigns. This platform handles the entire pathway of sending cold emails – from initial contact to booking a call with potential clients. With its AI sales agents at the helm, automates the sequence of outreach activities, ensuring each step is optimized for the highest engagement and conversion rates. These intelligent agents craft personalized email content, decide the best times for sending, and even follow up at strategic intervals, all tailored to the recipient’s behavior and preferences.


Your cold email approach will be much improved by experimentation. Testing various timings, adjusting your follow-up sequences, and always improving your message can help you find what speaks most to your audience. This iterative method is essential since it adjusts to the evolving tastes and behavior of receivers, therefore guaranteeing that your strategy stays current and effective.

Accept the ability of artificial intelligence solutions such as to simplify and maximize these procedures, therefore enabling accurate use of advanced methods. By learning and changing in real-time depending on data-driven insights, these solutions not only save time but also improve the success of your initiatives.

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The optimal time to send cold emails typically falls on weekday mornings, particularly between 8 AM and 10 AM. This timeframe coincides with the beginning of the workday when recipients are more likely to check their inboxes.

For small to medium-sized businesses, sending between 20 to 50 cold emails per day is effective. This number allows for personalized attention and manageable follow-up. Larger companies using automated tools may scale up significantly, provided their email practices are compliant and well-managed.


Midweek days, particularly Tuesdays and Thursdays, are generally the best days to send cold emails. These days tend to have higher open and response rates compared to Mondays and Fridays.


Platforms like, which use AI to optimize sending times and strategies, are highly effective for cold emailing. Other notable platforms include, Mailshake, and HubSpot Sales, which offer robust features tailored for cold email campaigns.


The best way to send cold emails involves using a combination of personalization, adherence to legal guidelines, and strategic timing. Utilizing AI-powered tools to automate and refine the process can significantly enhance effectiveness.


When sending bulk cold emails, maintain high standards of list hygiene and personalization. Tools that automate segmentation, scheduling, and follow-ups while ensuring compliance with spam regulations are critical for effectiveness.

While not typically recommended, if weekend emails are necessary, they should be tailored to catch the recipient at times they might engage with personal correspondence, such as Saturday morning. Always consider the potential for lower responsiveness and operational delays in follow-up.